Have you ever wanted to paint in watercolors, but was afraid? Or have you tried and became too frustrated?
Well, this is the class for you; be it novice or those frustrated ones.
Over a period of 4 weeks, the color wheel, watercolor techniques, and color properties will be explored. Each lesson will have a specific goal, followed by a painting exercise. The premise of this class is not to create master pieces, but to have a better understanding of this medium.
Classes are being taught by Sally Clark. Sally has an Art Education Degree from the University of Memphis; earned a Certificate of Studies in Aix en Provence, France.
She is a partner in the Artist Gallery at 229 High St. in Chestertown. Classes will commence February 18th through March 11th from 9:30 am until noon.
For registration, please call Kent Island Federation of Arts, 405 Main Street, Stevensville, MD 21666, 410-643-7424 Class Fee $130 for KIFA members & $150 for non-members. Class size is limited to 12 students. Please register no later than February 2nd.