Talbot Family Network celebrates Lights on Afterschool

The Talbot Family Network, the local management board, encourages all Talbot County Residents to celebrate Lights on Afterschool. Lights on Afterschool is a celebration to help bring awareness to the importance of afterschool programs in communities nationwide. This year’s observation will take place on Thursday, October 22, 2009. The Talbot Family Network supports this mission by providing funding to local afterschool programs that provide academic assistance and enrichment activities for youth in Pre-K through 12th grade. For the 2009 – 2010 school year, Talbot Family Network is providing funding the following programs:

St. Michaels Homework Club
(Homework assistance for reading and math for students in danger of failing)

Scotts UMC Afterschool Tutorial Program
(Homework assistance, enrichment programs and social skill development for at-risk youth)

Tilghman After School Kids (TASK)
(Enrichment programs and skills development at Tilghman Elementary School)

YMCA Special Needs After School Program (After school care for disabled children enrolled in Talbot County Public Schools)

If you would like any other information about Lights on Afterschool at www.afterschoolalliance.org or if you have any general questions for the Talbot Family Network please feel free to contact us at 410-770-6870.