Talbot Partnership Annual Planning Retreat Identifies Vision for a Brighter Future

Talbot Partnership invited its friends and partners to participate in its Annual Planning Retreat, “Partnering for a Brighter Future,” at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship At Easton. Following an update on the Blue Ribbon Commission Oversight Committee, Christine Clarke of Shore Health System, facilitated a planning session to address how Talbot Partnership can develop stronger partnerships while promoting education and early intervention to prevent substance abuse in our community.

Among the highlights of a report by Hugh Dawkins, chairman of the BRC Oversight Committee, were the 13 strategies identified by the BRC as key to addressing the issue. Dawkins drew an analogy between the current substance abuse issue in Talbot County and the health of the Chesapeake Bayand its fish, stating, “Our kids are surrounded by the issue of substance abuse. If we don’t clear it up, we’re going to continue to have problems.”

Dawkins added, “The community is moving forward with the BRC strategies to the results it deserves.” These strategies include advocating for policies and laws, advocating for treatment and drug court funding, supporting parents through educational opportunities through employers, and supporting EAP programs within the community.

In 2007-2008, Talbot Partnership achieved considerable progress in addressing Talbot County’s substance abuse and addictions issues, including expanded public awareness, advertising, community outreach, education, law enforcement and prevention programs. The planning retreat identified the future challenges as maintaining focus, building capacity, and expanding resources as the community continues to address this issue toward a brighter future. One of the goal statements identified during the retreat said, “ By 2011, what we most aspire to is all kinds of youth and adults involved in positive messages, making addiction interventions early and a community that suggests a health recovering environment.”

To receive a copy of Talbot Partnership’s 2008 Annual Report, call 410-819-8067 or e-mailinfo@talbotpartnership.org. The 2008 Annual Report is also available online atwww.talbotpartnership.org.