Wade Sharp opened his eyes last week, and doctors moved him to a rehabilitation facility after more than a week in the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center following a head injury on July 11. Sharp fell off the back of a truck while working in Cordova and sustained a head injury that left him in a drug-induced coma with a shunt in his brain to relieve pressure. When doctors tried to reduce the medication, the pressure increased. On July 22, doctors again reduced Sharp’s sedative. This time, the 17-year-old Easton High School graduate opened his eyes and blinked. He came off the ventilator and tried to talk. Doctors moved Sharp to the William Donald Schaefer Rehabilitation Center at Kernan Hospital in Baltimore. Friends, family and strangers rallied around the Sharps, sending nearly 500 messages of encouragement through the hospital’s Web site, www.CaringBridge.com. Almost 12,000 people have viewed the site, which includes updates from the family on Sharp’s progress. In addition to the head injury, Sharp had road rash, a broken finger and broken bones around his eye socket. No one is sure how he fell from the truck. A bank account is set up for donations through the Wade Sharp Benefit Fund, Easton Bank and Trust, attn: Casey Baynard, 8707 Commerce Drive Suite B, Easton, MD 21601.