Tool Time for PreHarvest Marketers

What pricing tools are available to grain marketers before harvest? This workshop will use the example of a pre-harvest plan for corn in 2007 to illustrate the pros and cons of six different pricing tools: forward contracts, selling futures contracts, hedge-to-arrive contracts, buying put options, forward contracting and buying call options, and selling calls to form a price window. Once they develop a better understanding of the tools, your customers will be invited to “test drive” these tools in a realistic marketing game.

– January 29, 2009 Chesapeake College
Register Jenny Rhodes, 410-758-0166,

– February 4, 2009 Princess Anne Register
Richard Nottingham, 410-651-1350,

Sessions are from 9am – 2pm.

These sessions are open to all. If you need special assistance please register 1 week ahead of time.