The Town of Trappe is seeking artists to paint canvas street banners that will hang along the town’s Main Street during October and November.
Banner scenes may be painted using oil or acrylic paints or other weatherproof mediums. Two sided canvas banners will be provided to each artist free of charge. Artists may set a price for each of their two paintings. If a banner painting sells, the artist receives the sales price less the cost of the materials and has first chance to provide a replacement banner for the following year. If only one side of the banner sells, the artist may take the second side to exhibit/sell on their own.
The timeframe when the banners will hang includes the celebration of the month of “Trappe-tober” (October), during which the town hosts a special event on four Saturdays: October 3 is Townwide Yard Sale Day; October 10 is the annual Nace’s Day celebration; October 17 is Trappe-tober FEST, Trappe’s annual fall festival; and October 31 is a Dog Walk hosted by Four Paws Parks to benefit the Talbot County Dog Park in the morning and a Halloween Celebration in the evening.
Also during Trappe-toberFEST will be the Trappe Plein Air Paint-Out-Plus, comprised of a plein air paint-out amidst Trappe’s quaint town scenes, and surrounding areas featuring rural landscapes and waterfront vistas. The paint-out will be followed by a free painting demonstration presented by local artist Diane DuBois Mullaly. There is no registration fee to participants and an exhibit and sale will follow the paint-out.
For more information or to reserve a banner, contact Town Clerk Joedy Cecil at 410.476.3170 or email