Easton Boy Scout Troop 532 posses for a picture at Grace United Methodist Church near Hershey Park before their 2008 summer camp located on the Appalachian trail. This year’s activities include sailing on the Delaware, caving in Pennsylvania, whitewater rafting, and biking. The troop’s summer camp adventure for 2009 begins at Water Country USA in Williamsburg, Virginia with fifty scouts and seventeen adults and ends with a full week at Camp Lions in Surry County, Va. Pictured with the troop is Scoutmaster Chris Potthast and new Venture Crew Leader Jeff Bell. Cub scout Pack 532, Boy Scout Troop 532 and new Venture Crew 532 for boys and girls 14 and up meet at the Easton Elks on Dutchman’s Lane. Please join in the fun ! For information call Chairman Ernie Smith at 410-829-4906 or visit www.eastontroop532.org .