Update To County’s Comprehensive Plan Complete And Submit On-Line Community Survey By September 2

“Citizens are invited to participate in the update of the Queen Anne’s County Comprehensive Plan by attending one of the three Visioning Sessions and completing an on-line community survey. Community and Environmental Planning in the Department of Land Use, Growth Management & Environment (LGE) will receive comments until September 2 through a special on-line survey at: www.qac.org (Look for the quick link in the left column on the County home page.)

Community and Environmental Planning is holding three visioning sessions during July and August to provide citizens with a better understanding of the update to the County’s Comprehensive Plan, review trends and issues, and provide information on how to participate during the planning process. The survey is a means of providing your point of view and can be completed at the Visioning Workshops. For those who may not be able to attend a Visioning Workshop or who want to provide input from the convenience of their home or office computer, the survey is available on the internet. Access to the survey is also available at all local libraries in Queen Anne’s County. The survey has questions concerning preservation, economic development, design, transportation, growth management, water quality, land use and other issues.

The survey results will add to the public comments and observations about the future of the County received at the series of Comprehensive Planning Visioning Workshops being held on July 24th at the Sudlersville Middle School, July 28th in Stevensville at the Kent Island High School, and August 18th in Centreville at the Queen Anne’s County High School. All three sessions will start at 6:30 P.M.

The Comprehensive Plan update link as well as the general work program and timeline, upcoming meetings and workshops, documents and report, and public participation opportunities including the online survey can be found on the County website at www.qac.org. (Look within the Department of Land Use, Growth Management, and Environment pages.)

Citizens without access to the internet may obtain a paper copy of the survey at the Department of Land Use, Growth Management & Environment located at 160 Coursevall Drive, Centreville, MD. For further information, call Community and Environmental Planning at 410-758-1255.