Watercolor Class Taught by Kurt Plinke

Kent Island Federation of Arts is pleased to announce a Watercolor Class taught by Kurt Plinke. Kurt will guide students through basic and more advanced watercolor techniques as they complete a series of watercolor paintings. Fun and helpful for beginners to those more advanced, Kurt has been painting for over thirty years. Most interested in creating detail and the illusion of reality in his watercolors. Plinke has discovered a myriad of ways to create realistic images with watercolor. His paintings of Eastern Shore wildlife and landscapes have won awards across the Mid Atlantic region.Classes will be taught at KIFA, 405 Main St. Stevensville, MD 21666; 410-643-7424.

Six Wednesday evenings 6:00 pm until 8:30 pm; beginning March 11 through April 15th. Class Fee $135 for members and $150. for non-members

Please register by March 6th.

Watercolor Class Taught By Kurt Plinke

Kent Island Federation of Arts is pleased to announce a Watercolor Class taught by Kurt Plinke. Kurt will guide students through basic and more advanced watercolor techniques as they complete a series of watercolor paintings. Fun and helpful for beginners to those more advanced, Kurt has been painting for over thirty years. Most interested in creating detail and the illusion of reality in his watercolors. Plinke has discovered a myriad of ways to create realistic images with watercolor. His paintings of Eastern Shore wildlife and landscapes have won awards across the Mid Atlantic region.Classes will be taught at KIFA, 405 Main St. Stevensville, MD 21666; 410-643-7424.
Six Wednesday evenings 6:00 pm until 8:30 pm; beginning March 11 through April 15th. Class Fee $135 for members and $150. for non-members
Please register by March 6th.