Willis Elected President of Maryland Association of Area Agencies on Aging

Cathy Willis, director of the Queen Anne’s County Department of Aging, was recently elected president of the Maryland Association of Area Agencies on Aging. Willis began her term on July 1 and will serve two years as president.

The group, known as M4A, is an advocacy group for seniors across the state. M4A has several purposes, including educating and instructing about aging issues, ensuring services for seniors are adequate at both the state and local level and helping to promote policy and programs providing assistance to seniors and elderly caregivers.

“I am looking forward to the opportunity to serve as M4A’s president,” said Willis, who has been the director of the county’s Department of Aging since March 2006.

“The nineteen member organizations of M4A serve Maryland’s more than 1,000,000 citizens over the age of 60, providing a range of cost effective state, federal, and locally funded programs that help elders remain in the community. While economic times are tough the reality is we still have a service to provide and will do so with unwavering commitment. It’s an honor to work with people who share the same goals when it comes to advocating and caring for seniors,” she said.

County Commissioner Courtney Billups serves as the Board of Commissioners liaison to the Department of Aging. “We are so thrilled Cathy was elected president of this group. She is a true advocate for our seniors here in Queen Anne’s County and her leadership of this group will certainly help advocate for seniors across the state,” said Billups, on behalf of the entire Board.

As president of M4A, Willis will also serve as liaison to the Maryland Department of Aging and state liaison to the National Association of Area Agencies