Youth Advisory Committee Meeting Weekly To Plan Prevention Initiatives

The Youth Advisory Committee of the Talbot Partnership Youth Coalition for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention is now meeting weekly to plan prevention initiatives and activities based on a clear “NO tobacco, alcohol, or any other drug at any time” policy. The Youth Coalition is made up of youth leaders who have passion and commitment for keeping youth free of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. The group includes a broad cross-section of the youth community. Three Youth Advisory Committee members will be attending a youth conference in July inRhode Island.

The next Youth Advisory Committee meeting is June 25 at 4 p.m. at the Talbot Partnership conference room located at 8 Goldsborough Street, Suite 203 (on the 2nd floor of the Bank of America Building on Washington Street) in Easton. Pizza and drinks will be provided. Anyone interested in joining the Youth Coalition should contact Gary Pearce at Talbot Partnership at 410-819-8067.