Academy Art Museum Announces New and Retiring Trustees

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Board of Trustees of the Academy Art Museum in Easton recently honored both newly appointed and retiring trustees. The Museum thanked the following retiring Trustees, who contributed greatly to the Museum’s growth over the past several years. Retiring Board members include Robin Clarke, Charlene DeShields, Susan Hamilton, Frank Kittredge,Carla Massoni, Karen Mathis, and Patricia Roche.

The Museum welcomed the following new Trustees. Joyce Doehler, received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Broadcast Journalism from the University of South Florida; worked for many years on the editorial page of the Washington Post; and more recently, ran a successful design/build business on the Eastern Shore. Amy Haines, moved to Easton in 1998 from San Francisco after a successful career in marketing and strategic planning in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries and is now the owner of the Easton restaurant, Out of the Fire. Kathleen (Buffy) Linehan has worked as a business executive in Europe and Washington, DC, for over 25 years, managing legislative, regulatory and communication issues for Fortune 10 companies. She has also held various positions on Capitol Hill and with the Federal Government. An attorney and member of the DC and Virginia Bar Associations, she is a member of the International Women’s Forum and also chairs the Governance Committee of the International Foundation for Election Systems.

Doris Fischer Malesardi, a former partner of 1843 Central Avenue Associates (real estate & antiques), is a community advocate whose broad range of interests has spawned affiliations with the Jaycees, the Girl Scouts, the Albany Institute of History and Art, and the Fort Orange Garden Club. Currently, she serves on the boards of St. Peter’s Hospital Foundation, Albany Rural Cemetery, Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Elmira College, the New York State Historical Association, and WMHT (public educational broadcasting). Lisa Morgan is the Vice President and Wealth Management Manager for PNC Wealth Management, where she serves as the primary contact for the delivery of all Wealth Management services for her clients on the Eastern Shore. She is an active participant in the community as a member of Shore Leadership. Susan Phillips tutors and mentors functioning adult illiterates, as part of the National Literacy Program. From 2001 to 2010, she served as Secretary of the Board of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Her special interests include breeding and raising miniature Sicilian donkeys, as well as spinning and dying wool from Black Finnish and White Romney sheep. Deborah Willse served as a docent for the Walters Art Museum, worked in retail for 10 years, and then became a real estate agent. After moving to the Eastern Shore, she became involved in fund raising projects for the Country School and currently serves as a guest wing volunteer at Talbot Hospice House.

Joseph D. (“Joe”) Schulman is a physician, medical researcher, and biomedical entrepreneur in the fields of genetic diseases and human reproduction. At Cambridge University, he helped to develop the first methods for successful human in-vitro fertilization (IVF). He was first Director of the NIH Inter-institute Program in Medical Genetics and founded the Genetics & IVF Institute. A lifelong resident of Talbot County, Tim Wyman worked for several members of Congress as press secretary, legislative assistant and administrative assistant before owning and operating several manufacturing businesses. Currently, he manages a number of personal and family investment partnerships and diversified investments, in addition to serving as president of The Richmond Foundation. He has served on the boards of Easton Utilities Commission, Big Brothers of NY, the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, Talbot County Historical Society, the Country School, the National Wildlife Federation Presidential Advisory Board, and Meridian International Arts Council.

In photo: From left to right are newly appointed members of the Academy Art Museum’s Board of Trustees: Doris Fischer Malesardi, Deborah Willse, Susan Phillips, Timothy Wyman, Lisa Morgan, Erik Neil (Director), and Joyce Doehler. Absent from the photo are Amy Haines, Kathleen M. Linehan and Joseph D. Schulman.