Academy Art Museum Announces September Offerings

5-Edward-E.-Boynton-House,-Dining-Area-(640x513) Moscow-portfolio-print-8-(640x602) Schindler-in-studio-1-(640x480) wc0725a-(640x431)Academy Art Museum Announces September Offerings


The following Academy Art Museum exhibitions are sponsored by the Talbot County Arts Council and the Maryland State Arts Council.

Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture of the Interior

September 13, 2014 – January 4, 2015

(closed October 15 – 20 and November 12 – 17)

Members’ Reception: September 12, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Curator-Led Tours: Wednesday, September 24, 12noon & Friday, October 24th, 12 noon

Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture of the Interior is an exhibition exploring the design of Frank Lloyd Wright’s houses, often considered his greatest architectural accomplishment. Th­rough reproduction drawings, photographs, and photographic murals, the exhibition illustrates the myriad ways—both obvious and subtle – Wright created the visual character of interior space and objects within it, each an essential detail of the larger whole.  Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture of the Interior is organized

by International Arts & Artists, Washington, DC, in cooperation with ­e Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation,

Scottsdale, AZ.

Caption: Frank Lloyd Wright, C. Thaxter Shaw House | Living Area Montreal, Canada, 1906, Photographic Reproduction, Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ.

Moscow Studio: Russian Prints from the Permanent Collection

September 13 – November 14, 2014

(closed October 15 – 20)

Members’ Reception: September 12, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Curator-Led Tour: Wednesday, September 24, 12 noon

Washington artist and Corcoran School of Art teacher Dennis O’Neil made his first trip to Moscow in 1989 with a small group who were introduced to Russian artists who shared their particular interests. Th­ese children of the Cold War had never expected that such a meeting would be possible, or that art

would provide them with an opportunity to collaborate. The prints in the exhibition are mostly

screen prints, created in central Moscow during the summer of 1992 at the Moscow Studio on 10 Gogolevsky Boulevard in Moscow. Some were part of the Senejh Portfolio, at a workshop sponsored by the Union of Artists of the USSR in May/June, 1991. ­The set was donated to the Museum by Vivienne M.

Lassman, Independent Curator and Art Consultant in Washington.  She was one of the original Board Members of Moscow Studio and visited O’Neil in 1992, when he was working with the initial group of

Russian artists in the primitive facility.

Caption: Alexander Yastrebenetsky, Steps, 1992, Screenprint, 2010..914.08 (Gift of Vivienne M. Lassman)

Mary Ann Schindler: Totems and Touchstones

September 13 – October 14, 2014

Mary Ann Schindler works in acrylic, watercolor, oil pastel, pencil, textural medium, mosaic and found and created objects to make paintings, 3-dimensional art and site-specific installations. With acrylic pours, she manipulates pure paint to create an image independent of the usual canvas or board anchorage. Current explorations involve photographs printed on canvas and transformed or exaggerated by the application of paint. Totems and Touchstones addresses the persons (real or fictional), iconic ideas and objects that are emblematic of our personal and cultural belief systems. ­The pieces in the show employ traditional mediums, as well as a variety of repurposed materials and found objects chosen for their materiality, as well as for the nuance they bring to the piece. Her work can also be seen at the Race Street Gallery in Cambridge, the Opal Gallery in Leonardtown, MD, and at the Rehoboth Art League, DE.


Caption: Mary Ann Schindler in her Studio


The Annual Members’ Exhibition

Continuing through September 7, 2014

­The Museum is pleased to present its Annual Members’ Exhibition. ­is exceptional tradition represents the best of the region’s artists and offers an opportunity to view the creative talents of colleagues and friends. Each Museum member has the opportunity to show one piece. It should be noted that

in the last five years, several members have been offered one person exhibitions in the Selections Gallery following the Annual Members’ Exhibition.

Recent Acquisitions: Frederick Hammersley

Continuing through September 28, 2014

In 2013, the Museum received a donation of 45 works on paper by Frederick Hammerlsey, consisting of 10 computer drawings; 6 prints; 18 drawings; and 11 paintings. ­The oeuvre was a generous gift from the Frederick Hammersley Foundation, Albuquerque, NM. Hammersley was born in 1919, in Salt Lake City, UT and died in 2009 in Albuquerque, NM. Hammersley first gained acclaim in 1959 when he was included in the Four Abstract Classicists exhibition at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, which traveled to San Francisco, London, and Belfast. He was praised for his presentation of cool abstractions, very different from the emotional ones of the established abstract expressionist movement in New York.  Hammersley’s artwork can be found at ­e National Gallery of Art, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Corcoran Gallery of Art, the Fogg Museum, and Los Angeles County Museum of Art, among many others and now also on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

Caption: Frederick Hammersley, Saturday, Watercolor on paper, AAM 2013.009.45 (Gift from Hammersley Foundation Albuquerque, New Mexico), Copyright Frederick Hammersley Foundation



Champagne Tasting at the Inn at 202 Dover

Friday, September 19, 2014, 6:30 p.m.

Cost: $75 Members, $100 Non-members (cost includes $25 credit toward the

first two bottles of champagne)

The Academy Art Museum is partnering with the Inn at 202 Dover to taste some very special Champagnes. At least 15 different champagnes will be poured that evening and will be accompanied by appropriately selected hors d’oeuvres. This is a fundraising event for the Academy. To reserve your flute, please contact the Inn at 202 Dover at (410) 819-8007.


Kittredge – Wilson Speaker Series

Series Ticket (6) Lectures, Cost: $75 Members, $100 Non-Members

Individual Tickets, Cost: $15 Members, $20 Non-members


Picasso and Others: Collecting Prints for the Academy

Jonathan Bober, Curator and Head of Department of Old Master Prints, National Gallery of Art

Tuesday, September 26, 2014, 6 p.m.



The Barnes Foundation

The World Is an Apple: The Still Lifes of Paul Cézanne

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fee: $95 Members, $115 Non-members (Includes admission and tour)

Premiering at the Barnes Foundation, this tightly curated exhibition charts a thematic and chronological sweep of Cézanne’s still-life painting, showing how the “Master of Aix” recast the genre and set it on a new course. Traversing the breadth of his still-life production—from early paintings engaging with past masters to very late works unique to him, and treating a range of themes including apples, flowers, and skulls—this select gathering of paintings offers viewers a brief reappraisal of Cézanne’s monumental achievement in this genre.



2014 Fall Woodworking Workshops

Instructor: Vicco von Voss

Vicco von Voss studio in Centreville, MD

September 20, October 11, November 15, and December 13, 2014, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.


Photography Workshop: Capture to Process: Creating the perfect final image!

Instructor: Karen L Messick

1 day workshop, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 7 a.m. – 4 p.m.


Sand and Surf en Plein Air!

Mentors: Diane DuBois Mulllay and Katie Cassidy

One Day Trip: Tuesday, September 23

(Rain date, Thursday September 25)


Workshop: Color Theory for Oil Painters

Instructor: Aaron Michael Thompson

Two-Day Workshop: Saturday, September 27 and Sunday, September 28, 10 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.


Saturdays en Plein Air!

Mentor: Diane DuBois Mullaly

Monthly the Last Saturday of each month,

May – October, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

FREE to Members of the Museum


Figure Drawing

Instructor: Patrick Meehan

6 weeks: September 9 – October 14

Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.


Drawing: Fundamentals of the Head

Instructor: Patrick Meehan

2 sessions of 6 weeks: September 9 – October 14 AND October 21 – November 25

Tuesdays, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.


Colored Pencil Workshop

Instructor: Constance Del Nero

4 weeks: September 19 – October 10

Fridays, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon


Pastel Painting

Instructor: Katie Cassidy

4 weeks: September 3 – 24

Wednesdays, 9:45 a.m. – 1 p.m.


Watercolor: Clean Color and the White of the Paper

Instructor: Heather Crow

8 weeks: September 23 – November 11

Tuesdays, 1 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.


Experimental Handmade Paper:

Art But No Drawing or Paint!

Instructor: Heather Crow

3 weeks: September 2 -16

Tuesdays, 1 – 3:30 p.m.


Still Life Part 1: How to Make Exciting Paintings

in Black, White & Gray

Instructor: Rita Curtis

4 weeks: September 10 – October 1

Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.


Painting the Head

Instructor: Patrick Meehan

2 sessions of 6 weeks: September 11 – October 23 (no class October 16) AND

October 30 – December 18 (no class on November 13 and 27)

Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.


Landscape Painting

Instructor: Patrick Meehan

2 sessions of 6 weeks: September 11 – October 23 (no class October 16) AND

October 30 – December 18 (no class on November 13 and 27)

Thursdays, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.


Take the Plunge! Oil Painting Startup

Instructor: Diane DuBois Mullaly

Two Day Workshop:

Saturday and Sunday, September 13 and 14

10 a.m. – 3 p.m.


Introduction to Bookbinding

Instructor: Elizabeth McKee

One Day Workshop

Thursday, September 18

10 a.m. – 4 p.m.



Instructor: Kevin Garber

Six weeks: September 10 – October 8

Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m. – 4 p.m.


The Poetry of Prints

Instructor: Ebby Malmgren

5 weeks: September 25 – October 30 (no class October 16)

Thursdays, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.


Intermediate/Advanced Pottery

Instructor: Paul Aspell

One Session of 6 weeks: September 15 – October 20

Mondays, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.


Introduction to the Potter’s Wheel

Instructor: Paul Aspell

6 weeks: September 15 – October 20

Mondays, 1 – 3 p.m.


Introduction to Pottery

Instructor: Paul Aspell

One Session of 6 weeks: September 17 – October 22

Wednesdays, 1 – 3 p.m.


Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced Pottery

Instructor: Paul Aspell

One Session of 6 weeks:September 17 – October 22

Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.


Digital Photography – Fundamentals

Instructor: George Holzer

Six weeks: September 17 – October 23

Wednesday evenings, 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.


Private Lessons in Photography or Photoshop

Instructor: George Holzer

Time & number of weeks: variable




Digital Editing Using Adobe Photoshop

Instructor: Christopher Pittman

5 weeks: September 17 – October 5

Wednesdays, 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.


Introduction to Adobe Lightroom 5 – Part 1

Instructor: Steve Dembo (

5 weeks: September 19 – October 24 (no class October 17)

Fridays, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.


Introduction to Adobe Lightroom 5 – Part 2

Instructor: Steve Dembo

5 weeks: September 20 – October 25 (no class October 18)

Saturdays, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.


Getting to Know Your Smart Phone

Instructor: Scott Kane

The iPhone Class: Wednesday, September 3 and 10

The Android/Galaxy Class: Wednesday, September 17 and 24

Time: 6 – 8 p.m. for all sessions



Open Portrait Studio *

The group meets weekly with a live model.

Model fee collected weekly.

Studio resumes September 15, 2014, 9:30 a.m. – noon


Open Studio with Live Model *

An opportunity to study the human figure and its

action, volume, structure, anatomy, design and expressive

potential. Money is collected weekly to cover model fees.

Studio resumes September 15, 2014, 1-3:30 p.m.


Collage Studio*

For those interested in collage, assemblage or fibers.

Artists are invited to come and work on a project they

would like to start, or have begun. There is no designated instructor.

Studio meets second Saturday of each month.


*A Museum membership is required to participate.




Voice Lessons

Instructor: Erika Knepp

(443) 254-0157

Exploring vocal technique, performance skills, and even stress therapy can be a part of each individualized program. Contact the instructor directly for lesson schedule and cost. Erika Knepp holds a BA in Music and French Studies from Smith College, where she was named a STRIDE (Student Research in Departments) scholarship recipient, researching computational geometry and also compiling a digital catalogue of Beethoven’s music, a First Group Scholar, and a recipient of the Judith Raskin Memorial Prize for excellence in vocal studies. She has studied privately with Jane Bryden at Smith College, Ruth Drucker, formerly a faculty member of the Peabody Conservatory, and Dr. Thomas Houser in Pennsylvania.

Guitar, Bass, Banjo and Mandolin Lessons

Instructor: Curt Heavey

(410) 820-0950

Get away from the computer and learn an instrument! Fresh and fun lessons for guitar, bass, banjo and mandolin – all ages and all styles. Only your imagination is more fun. Contact the instructor directly for lesson schedule and cost or visit



Instructor: Amanda Showell 

Tuesday and Thursday night dance classes in bolero, tango, East Coast Swing, Foxtrot, Waltz, Cha-Cha, Latin Variety, Rumba, and Bachata.


Cha Cha Workshop

Friday, September 19, 7 p.m.

Contact the instructor at (410) 482-6169 or visit


For a full description and online registration for the Academy Art Museum’s fall classes for children, ages two through high school, is available at  Classes are offered for preschool children, ages two through four, through the Museum’s Young Explorers Program.  Classes include:

Museum Young Explorers Program

Classes begin week of September 8th, 2014 and continue through May 2015

For children ages 2-5 years of age


After-School Art Club

Students in grades 4 – 7

Instructor: Susan Horsey

Nine Thursdays: September 11 – November 20 (no class October 16 or November 13)

3:45 – 5 p.m.


Beginning/Intermediate Digital Illustration *

Grades 5-8

Instructor: Garnette Hines

5 Weeks, Wednesdays September 17 – October 15

4 – 5:30 p.m.



Ballet Theatre of Maryland at the Museum

Register for ballet, tap, and jazz classes, meet the instructors, and enjoy dance activities.

Contact the Ballet Theatre of Maryland for additional information or to register for classes at 410-224-5644.


For further information or to register for these programs, classes and event, visit or call 410-822-2787.