Academy Art Museum Opens Digital Studio

AAM-Digital-Lab---Conner-Dorbn-&-Katy-Trice-0114Academy Art Museum Opens Digital Studio                           

In March 2014, the Academy Art Museum in Easton, MD is opening a new digital studio to begin offering classes in web design, graphic design and Photoshop for teens and adults.  The studio will be populated with computers, monitors, scanners, printers and most importantly the underlying software that responds to the imagination of the artist-at-work.

According to Academy Art Museum trustee, Al Sikes, who has been supportive of the Museum’s new venture, “Inevitably, importantly, and increasingly, artists are turning to the computer as an indispensable tool. While the edges of fine arts are yielding to these new tools, the computer will not displace traditional media, it will complement.”

Artists working with traditional tools will be able to use the new studio to enhance their work with such new tools as InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects and others. The Museum has purchased eight All-in-One Mac 27 computers, one Mac Pro, a 55-inch mounted wall TV screen, a 24-inch archival wide format printer, a  deluxe large bed Epson scanner, digital cameras and lenses, and Adobe Creative Suite 6 and Lightroom software.

An Open House will be held on Saturday, March 1 from 12 to 2 p.m. to showcase the new classes which will be offered this spring. Demonstrations will be provided and refreshments will be served.  For further information, visit or call 410-822-2787.

Pictured are Conner Dorbin and Katy Trice, both seniors at Easton High School, checking out the Museum’s new digital studio. Both students are in the high school’s Graphic Design Completer Course.