Adkins Arboretum Offers Botanical Shoes Program on Thursday, May 9

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIn 1987, Lenny Wilson learned to make shoes at Cordwainer’s Technical College, a leather trades college in London. Shortly afterward, he began a career in public horticulture and was inspired to create shoes that incorporate parts of plants into their construction. Using traditional methods and materials, he unifies leather, leaves and other materials to craft unique life-size shoes.

Join Wilson at Adkins Arboretum on Thurs., May 9 for Botanical Shoes, a unique presentation during which he will share his journey, illustrate what inspires him, demonstrate how he selects plants, and relates exhibition and workshop experiences.

A native of Wilmington, Del., Wilson is the Assistant Director of Horticulture and Facilities at Delaware Center for Horticulture, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life in Delaware’s diverse communities through horticulture. His one-of-a-kind shoes made from plant material are displayed in local art galleries and exhibits.

Botanical Shoes runs from 1 to 2 p.m. The program fee is $15 for members, $20 for the general public. Register at or call 410.634.2847, ext. 0.

Adkins Arboretum is a 400-acre native garden and preserve at the headwaters of the Tuckahoe Creek in Caroline County. Open year round, the Arboretum offers educational programs for all ages about nature and gardening. Through its Campaign to Build a Green Legacy, it will build the W. Flaccus and Ruth B. Stifel Center at Adkins Arboretum and a “green” entranceway to broaden educational offerings and research initiatives promoting best practices in conservation and land stewardship. For additional information about Arboretum programs, visit or call 410-634-2847, ext. 0.