Art Work of Local Artist Showcased

Local Ceramic Artist in ALOC Members Show

The Art League of Ocean City will showcase the art work of local ceramic artist Lisa Scarbath in their December Member’s show.

Juror Jayme McLellan chose two of Lisa Scarbath’s works for the show, “A Bowl of Flowers” and “Elements.”

The show, which will run the month of December, will be open to the public, adhering to the Covid requirements.

Lisa’s work is inspired by the elements of nature, using slate and glass and repurposing found objects to create works of art that are unique and thought provoking. Her work can be seen at and on Facebook and Instagram.

The show is held at the Center for the Arts located at 502 94th Street, Ocean City. Hours of operation can be found at Lisa’s work, including her Steampunk work can be found in the Center’s gift shop.