Bike Doctor Relocates In Tred Avon Square

BikeDoctor_November_2013 004 (300 x 400)The Bike Doctor has moved, but not too far. After months of renovations, the full-service bike shop set up their new storefront right around the corner from the old location. You can now find The Bike Doctor in the courtyard area of Tred Avon Square next door to Osteria Alfredo and Jo-Ann Fabrics.

“We loved the high-visibility of the old location but the new spot addresses some of the safety concerns our customers have,” said co-owner, Paul Lombardo.

Customers traveling by bike can use Bay Street and enter the new courtyard location from the back of the plaza. Likewise, bicyclists of all ages who test ride new bikes can safely roll from The Bike Doctor’s front door to the plaza’s rear open space.

“While the expansion of the Marlboro Road area has certainly helped our business, it has also increased car traffic and generated safety issues for cyclists,” added Lombardo. “We hope this move will encourage more people to ride over when they need any item or service.”

The Bike Doctor first opened their doors in Easton in 2005, following the success of their Kent Island store opening in 2001. Both locations offer bicycles for all ages and abilities, experienced mechanics, and guaranteed services. Visit the new Easton location Monday through Friday 10AM – 7PM, Saturday 10AM – 6PM, and Sunday 11AM – 5PM.

Tred Avon Square is located at the intersection of Marlboro Road and the Easton Bypass (route 322). Nearby parking is also available in back of the plaza.

In photo: The Bike Doctor has a new shop in the courtyard of Tred Avon Square.