Breeding Joins UM SRH Rehab Team at Denton

Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services recently welcomed Charles “Teddy” Breeding III, DPT, to the outpatient therapy team at Shore Rehabilitation Center at Denton, Frank Rath, manager, Outpatient Rehabilitation has announced.


Breeding’s prior clinical experience includes working in outpatient rehab therapy settings at Anne Arundel Medical Center, UM Rehabilitation and Orthopedic Institute and Tidewater Physical Therapy, and also in inpatient care at the Requard Center for Acute Rehabilitation at UM Shore Medical Center at Easton. In these locations, he gained experience working with patients in rehabilitation for diverse disorders, including stroke and other neurological impairments, orthopedic injuries and surgeries, chronic pain, multi-trauma, traumatic brain injury, and amputation.


Breeding earned his clinical Doctorate in Physical Therapy from University of Maryland Eastern Shore and his undergraduate degree in athletic training from Salisbury