Kent Island Federation of Arts is calling for artists & vendors for the following shows/events coming to KIFA over the next few months.
·Kent Island Days Art Celebration – Artist Vendors wanted for the day –Saturday May 21, 2011
·2nd Annual June Artists Garden Show – Artist Entry deadline May 30, 2011
·Garden Boutique – Vendors needed for 5 day Boutique – June 8 – 12 at KIFA
·Gardens by the Sea Plein-Air painters – to paint in gardens during the Garden Tour on June 11-12, 2011
·15th Annual Photography Show – Artist Entry Deadline June 28, 2011
Each show has unique entry requirements, so please check the KIFA website for specific information regarding each event/show. Entry forms can be also be downloaded from KIFA’s website at www.KIFA.US.
KIFA, a non-profit (501c3) volunteer organization, seeks to develop and allocate resources to provide gallery and studio space, instruction, art shows and events for our members and the greater community. KIFA is partially funded by grants from United Way, CFC, & QAC Arts Council. KIFA, 405 Main St., Stevensville, MD 21666. For membership information call 410-643-7424 or go to