Call for Artists: Celebrating Rural Life

final-banner-4.2.14Call for Artists: Celebrating Rural Life

Art: something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings (Merriam Webster)

During the month of July, Chestertown RiverArts will host an exciting partnership between RiverArts and the Kent County Public Library Writers’ Group. Art, representing rural life, will share space with various musings from our local writers. Curators Cindy Stafford and Anne Vansant welcome all works that represent rural life in our local environment: favorite places, slow paces, engaging faces. What represents life here in your eyes?

This show is open to all artists in all fine arts mediums. Check-in at the RiverArts gallery will be on Sunday, June 29 from 1 until 3 PM and on Monday, June 30 from 10 AM until 1 PM. Artists may submit up to two pieces, properly wired and ready to hang, with an established price for sale. Please contact RA if your entry requires unusual space or accommodation. Inclusion is at the discretion of the curators.

Prices for entry are as follows: Members – $10 each, Non-members – $20 each

This show will open on Friday, July 4. Entries not sold may be picked up at the end of the show on either Sunday, July 27 from 1 until 3 PM or Monday, July 28 from 10 AM until 1 PM.

Why does no one speak of the cultural advantages of the country? For example, is a well groomed, ecologically kept, sustainably fertile farm any less cultural, any less artful, than paintings of fat angels on church ceilings?” Gene Logsdon, Living at Nature’s Pace: Farming and the American Dream