Carolyn Spicher, Vice President and Regional Manager of CNB, member of Shore Bancshares’ family of companies, has been named Caroline County’s Most Beautiful Volunteer. Ms. Spicher, a life-long resident of Caroline County, was chosen out of 14 nominees and honored at a ceremony on February 16 at the Caroline County Public Library in Denton. She received recognition from the Maryland Senate and Maryland House of Delegates as well as gift certificates and awards from the Caroline County Commissioners and the Most Beautiful Volunteer Awards Committee.
Ms. Spicher works full time at CNB but also owns and operates a grain farm with her husband, Wayne. Ms. Spicher, who has over 49 years of banking experience, began her finance career with Denton National Bank then transferred to CNB which operates 11 branches serving communities on the Eastern Shore and central Delaware. Win Trice, CNB President and CEO, congratulates Ms. Spicher on the award and comments, “Carolyn is an exemplary citizen and employee and has been such an integral part of the success of our organization.” As a business development officer for CNB, Ms. Spicher has been a leading advocate and supporter of local farmers and other small business owners helping them to grow and succeed. A highlight among Ms. Spicher’s numerous accomplishments during her career was her work with the former Maryland Secretary of Agriculture, Wayne A Cawley, Jr., to develop an agricultural loan portfolio to finance the agricultural industry in the tri-county area.
She was nominated for the award by Bill Greenly who believes Carolyn “is the personification of Caroline’s Most Beautiful Volunteer, dedicated to helping people who need assistance and serving the community in general while working full time at CNB and maintaining the farm and home.” Although busy with her career and the farm, Ms. Spicher still manages to be actively involved in a long list of community organizations and events. For over 25 years, Ms. Spicher has been an active member of the Caroline County Historical Society, Inc. where she currently serves as Secretary-Treasurer. She is a member of the Mid Shore Regional Council and serves as Treasurer of its subsidiary, Shore Gourmet. Ms. Spicher was involved in organizing the Choptank Investment Partnership and the Two Governors’ Tribute event in Caroline County. In addition, Ms. Spicher is a long time active supporter of the Caroline County Chamber of Commerce, Caroline County Farm Bureau, Burrsville Ruritan Club, and Union United Methodist Church.
In photo: Adelaide C. Eckardt, Maryland State Delegate; Carolyn Spicher, CNB VP and Regional Branch Manager; Richard Colburn, Maryland State Senator