CBMM Awards Four Summer Internships

CBMM_Summer_Interns_2013 (400 x 256)The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum (CBMM) in St. Michaels, MD has named four college students as museum interns for the summer.

Joining CBMM are Center for Chesapeake Studies (CCS) /folk life intern Veronica Lathroum, curatorial intern Martina Soares Knize, educational intern Allison Speight, and communications intern Lauren Murray.

Administered by CCS, the ten-week internship program offers research and hands-on museum experience. Students are given the opportunity to learn from seasoned experts who monitor, observe, and guide their professional development. Regular seminars introduce interns to other departments as well as best practices at other museums and educational organizations.

“Our internships provide exposure to the inner workings of cultural institutions, and promote an awareness of potential careers through experiences not available in academic settings,” said CCS Director Robert Forloney. “The program combines hands-on experiences, workshops, projects, and a comprehensive overview of the field as well as an in-depth study in the student’s specific area of interest.”

Veronica Lathroum, of Lanham, MD is a recent McDaniel College graduate, with a bachelor of arts degree in history. Lathroum will assist the CCS and folklife departments in developing and implementing a number of projects, including online exhibits and other education programs.

Martina Soares Knize, of Houston, TX, is a Texas A&M University at Galveston senior, majoring in maritime studies with a concentration in nautical archeology. Knize is supporting the curatorial department by helping with cataloguing, researching Chesapeake Bay boats, organizing manuscript collections, and volunteering in the boatyard.

Allison Speight, of St. Michaels, MD, is a Washington College senior, majoring in environmental studies with a double minor in biology and anthropology. Speight is assisting the education department with the Kids Club summer camp, in addition to other education programs.

Lauren Murray, of Centreville, MD is a McDaniel College junior, studying English and new media writing. Murray is assisting the communications and marketing department with social media, multimedia production, photography, and writing support.

For more information about CBMM’s summer internship programs, visit www.cbmm.org or contact Center for Chesapeake Studies Director Robert Forloney at 410-745-4959.

In photo, from the left: New Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum (CBMM) summer interns Veronica Lathroum, Allison Speight, Lauren Murray, and Martina Soares Knize.