CBMM Participates in Project Clean Stream

CBMM_ProjectCleanStream2013 (400 x 280)Through the Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy’s coordination and as part of the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s Project Clean Stream, the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum (CBMM) hosted a team of 13 volunteers on April 6th to clean up Heron Haven—a stream running through CBMM’s property and feeding into St. Michaels Harbor and the Miles River.

Participating volunteers included from left, front row: Ronan, Cyrus, and Darcy Yonkers. Back row, from left: René Stevenson, John Ford, Kate Yonkers, Michael Gorman (holding Hazel Gorman), Courtney Gorman, Bob Hinkel, Ben Ford, Kate Livie, David Crosson, Robin Gordon. Not shown: Don Goodliffe.

Two, sixty-five gallon recycling containers—filled with discarded beverage containers, along with 20 bags of trash were collected from approximately 500 feet of stream. Invasive species of plantings were also found to be growing throughout the stream bed.

CBMM’s 18-acre, St. Michaels waterfront campus includes several environmental features that help sustain the health of the Chesapeake Bay, including a recently extended living shoreline, rain gardens and swales, native plantings, and more.

The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay has been connecting the public to their local outdoor space through Project Clean Stream for 10 years. The program culminates in a unified day of service when volunteers spend a few hours outside cleaning trash from parks, rivers and streams or otherwise improving their communities.

For more information, visit www.cbmm.org or www.allianceforthebay.org.