Saturday, November 2nd
Begins at 1p.m.; Contestant Arrival time: 12:30 p.m.
In front of Queen Anne’s County CourtHouse, 100 Courthouse Square, Centreville
Designed and Hosted by Queen Anne’s County High School Interact Club.
Contest Rules
This event is open to all high school and middle school aged students who attend schools in the Centreville area, specifically Centreville Middle School, Queen Anne’s County High School, Gunston School, and Wye River Upper School, as well as Centreville homeschooled students.
By registering, the participants hereby agree that any media shall have the right to film and take photographs at the event, which may be displayed at the event site and/or through media coverage as well as use participants’ names and likenesses in connection with future promotions.
Registration Deadline
Registration will be taken on a first come, first served basis, and will be limited to the first 30 registered contestants.
Participants are encouraged to pre-register by completing and returning this form no later than 3 p.m. Thursday, October 31st.
Completed registration forms can be returned to Queen Anne’s County High School or Centreville Town Hall (in-‐person, email or by fax -‐101 Lawyers Row, or Fax: (410) 758-‐4741).
On site registration will only be available if the 30 spots have not been filled.
Arrival time:
All contestants must arrive and check-in no later than 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 2, to compete.
The check-in table will be located next to the stage area in front of the Queen Anne’s County Court House.
Late arrivals will be disqualified.
The contest will begin at 1 p.m.
A grand prize valued at $200 will be awarded as well as a second place and third place prizes.
How the Winner will be Determined
Contestants will compete for time and accuracy as recorded by a panel of official judges.
All scoring by the panel of judges is final.
The Contest
There will be five qualifying rounds with each round producing two top texters.
These 10 texters will then compete in a final round to determine the top three texters of the competition.
During the final round, a grand prize winner, as well as second place and third place will be awarded.
Contestants may only compete one time (per round).
Time will be kept by a stopwatch.
Texters should refrain from using “predictive texting” during the competition.
Participants will be assigned to a judge during each round.
The judge will provide a pre-printed script to the participants to text.
Each round will have a different script, however all contestants will be texting the same script per round.
Texters will have up to two minutes to complete the text.
All texters will begin texting at the same time.
The judge assigned to each contestant will stop their stopwatches when their contestant is completed.
The texter will then hand their cell phone over to their judge who will review the text for accuracy, adding one second for each error to the stopwatch time.
Errors are noted as spelling, capitalization, missing words/spaces and punctuation.
Any uncompleted attempt will be stopped after two minutes and the participant will be disqualified.
Participant Phone Requirement
All participants must provide their own phone with text messaging capabilities.
Neither Centreville Day organizers nor Queen Anne’s County High School will be held responsible for any charges incurred during participation in this contest.
Neither Centreville Day organizers nor Queen Anne’s County High School will be held responsible for the loss or damage of any participant’s phone/texting equipment during this event.
There will not be a separate category for numeric vs. alpha keypad equipment.
Any cellular phone with text messaging capabilities will be acceptable, with no division of difference between alpha or numeric keypads.
Standard text message charges may apply from the participants’ specific carriers and neither the Centreville Day organizers nor Queen Anne’s County High School will be held liable for any charges incurred during participation in this contest.
Participant Code of Conduct
Participants will be held to the code of conduct described below.
Failure to adhere to the code on conduct, in the sponsors’ sole discretion, may result in immediate disqualification, including loss of winner status and forfeiture of prizes, and expulsion from the venue for the remainder of the event.
a. Sportsmanship: Participants must conduct themselves in a reasonable and sportsmanlike manner, maintaining a friendly and polite demeanor to spectators, contest officials and volunteers and to other participants. Participants must refrain from the use of vulgar language or gestures as well as overtly sexual or abusive behavior, including harassment and threats.
b. Interference: Any action that interferes with the playing of a game, including but not limited to, purposely breaking a phone or timer, interfering with power, distracting or otherwise interfering with any other participant’s game playing, is prohibited.
c. No Gambling: Gambling, including betting on the outcome of the game is prohibited.
d. No Drugs, Alcohol, or Weapons:
Use or possession of alcohol, drugs, or weapons is prohibited on the premises of the texting competition.
Participants must not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while participating.
For more information, contact Mrs. Kenna at or Carol D’Agostino at (410) 758-‐1180, ext. 17 or