Centreville United Methodist Church in Centreville, Maryland announces that the band CLOVERTON will be performing on Friday, May 4th as part of their BLOOM tour. Admission is free and a love offering will be received to benefit Haven Ministries. With the quickening success of their sophomore album “Bloom,” the 4 piece pop-rock outfit extends their cd release tour to hit the east coast in the spring of 2018. Led by front man, Lance Stafford, the tour and album bring a new collection of original songs to a world that is hungry for music with depth and substance. Produced by Joshua D. Niles, Nashville, TN, this is CLOVERTON’s second full-length album, in addition to 3 EPs.
The Bloom tour focuses on the journey. “It’s a calling out…an invitation,” says Stafford. “We’re all in a constant state of motion. We’re either transforming into a more heavenly version of ourselves, or we are deforming into the opposite. The music that inspired the album (Bloom) takes a deeper look into the steps on that journey. From celebration to contemplation, the album and the tour provide a space and time for people at all places on their journey to engage in a worshipful musical experience birthed out of spiritual transformation. Many of the songs were written in the midst of my own spiritual awakening. Our lives don’t stay the same. Culture changes. We get older. We have kids. They get older. And throughout all those changes, we must bloom more and more into the creation that God has intended in each of us. We are seeing people respond to that invitation. They are hungry. They are unfolding. And we really see it having an impact on the kingdom.”
Without the help of a record label, Cloverton propelled onto the Christian music scene in 2011 as the first ever ROCK THE CAMP contest winners hosted by TobyMac and Camp Electric. Soon after, Cloverton scored the #1 most downloaded song in the history of KLOVE radio for their first single “Take Me into the Beautiful”. The band followed up that effort with an unforgettable Christmas rendition of Leonard Cohen’s song “Hallelujah,” reaching millions of viewers (YouTube) in just weeks while climbing to the #1 slot on iTunes and being featured on CNN.
The band would go on to record and release their first full-length studio album “Patterns” in 2013. In 2014 Cloverton would release a Christmas EP titled “We Sing Joy” which climbed to #1 for multiple weeks on iTunes. In September of 2017, the band would release their newest offering, “Bloom.”
From their humble beginnings as a small church worship team, to the recent release of their highly anticipated second full-length album, Cloverton continues to pave a new way for independent Christian music.
“None of us are into compromising or settling for the status quo. It’s a daily choice. To what or who am I surrendering today?” front man Lance Stafford says. “We are either moving toward or away from the person God has specifically created each of us to be. Our hope is that the music we create can accompany others as they walk out that journey.” Visit clovertonmusic.com for additional details and to hear more.