County Commissioners Seek Citizens for Boards & Commissions

The Queen Anne’s County Commissioners are looking for interested county residents to serve on a variety of Queen Anne’s County Boards and Commissions. The appointments will commence June or July 2011 and the terms vary.  If you have applied previously, please send a new letter of interest at this time.

Planning Commission
DESAC Emergency Services Committee
Electronic Media Advisory Board
Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board
Board of Building Appeals
Community Partnerships for Children
Electrical Examiners and Supervisors
Housing Authority Board
License Commission (Liquor Board)
Mid-Shore Mental Health Systems
Personnel Board
Regional Mental Health Advisory Committee
Social Services Board

Interested county residents may send a letter of interest and resume, no later than close of business on June 1, 2011 by e-mail to: Please put the name of the Board in the subject line.

OR by Mail to:

Queen Anne’s County Commissioners Office
The Liberty Building
107 North Liberty Street
Centreville, MD 21617

For more information contact: Leslie Salvatori     (410) 758-0322 x2002