County Commissioners Seek New operator for Public Access Channel

The Queen Anne’s County Commissioners are looking for interested county residents or organization to take over operations of the Public Access Channel on Atlantic Broadband Cable.

A copy of the RFP is available on under the procurement section.

Proposals, including the executed conflict of interest form, must be received by close of business, on January 4, 2010. Postmarks will not be considered in judging the timeliness of submissions. Proposals may be delivered in person and left with staff at the Commissioners Office front desk or mailed to:

Queen Anne’s County Government
Attn: George Harvey, QACTV Station Manager
107 N. Liberty St.
Centreville, MD 21617


Hardcopy proposals must be submitted on standard letter paper. Proposers shall submit one (1) original and five (5) copies of the proposal in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Public Access Cable Channel Operator” to the above location. Proposals that are submitted by facsimile or telephone will not be accepted. Late submissions will not be considered.

Proposals may be submitted electronically in a PDF file format to the following email address: