Diabetic Management

Wednesday, May 15, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Presented by Maryland Primary Care Physicians, Community Room, Third Floor, 125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown, MD

All are invited to an educational session on diabetes management presented by a certified diabetic educator, Joanna Conroy, MS, CDE, RD.

At this session, you will learn about:

• What diabetes is
• The importance of checking blood sugar levels
• A1C and how it affects blood sugar
• Meal planning and exercise
• Medical tests
• Types of medication that help manage sugar

There is no charge for this session. We will give door prizes including the national best seller book, The Calorie Fat & Carbohydrate Counter (includes 200 fast food chains) and blood glucose monitors. Please RSVP at 410-827-4001.