Journey Into the Woods with the Easton High School Drama Club this November! This whimsical musical will transport you into the world of a fairy tale collision. In the story, narrated by Erik Bell, a humble baker (Alex Lankford) and his wife (Rachel Shaw) long to have a child. They learn that the evil witch (Gabrielle Leach), who happens to live next door, has put a curse on their family. In order to break the curse and appease the Witch, the Baker needs to find four objects from the woods. In his efforts to find the magical objects, he runs into a whole host of fairy tale characters that are all living out their familiar tales. Cinderella (Elizabeth Daly) is looking for her prince, Rapunzel (Deirdre Gallagher) is trying to escape her tower, Little Red Ridinghood (Emily Redmond) is being chased by the Wolf (Teddy Bennett), and Jack (Markel Williams) and his mother (Tara Kitchelt) are trying to figure out what to do with the beanstalk growing in their backyard and how to sell their pitiful cow, Milky White (Alanah Filion). Other characters to look for are Rapunzel’s prince (Jeremy Wolfberg), Cinderella’s mother (Cayley Ross), Cinderella’s father (Marquan Brummel), Cinderella’s stepmother (Claire Anovick), and stepsisters Florinda (Emma Langfitt) and Lucinda (Sarah Bonnette), Snow White (Olivia Daly), Sleeping Beauty (Amelia Gunn), Little Red’s Granny (Lauren Hellman), the prince’s steward (Jonah Sanders), Hansel (Matthew Keeler) and Gretl (Sarah Daly), Goldilocks (Eve Van Horn), Little Bo Peep (Maya Thomas), and a Mysterious Old Man (Lukas McGee).
The show is directed by Richard A. Vitanovec, with musical direction by Kevin W. Thomas and choreography by Malley Hester. Performances are Fridays and Saturdays, November 15, 16, 22, and 23 at 7:00 PM and Sunday, November 17 at 2:00 PM at the Talbot County Auditorium at Easton High School. We invite all EMS and EHS musical theatre and drama alumni to join us on November 16th for a special reception following the performance!
Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students and will be available at Easton High School, Old Mill Deli, Crackerjacks, Little Rascals, and Rise Up Coffee Roasters on Dover Street. For more information, please call 410-829-9811.
In Photo: Little Redridinghood (Emily Redmond), fleeing from the Wolf, finds Jack (Markel Williams) while they are Into the Woods!