QAC Emergency Preparedness Seminars Offered Free to Groups, Clubs and Neighborhoods
CENTREVILLE – Joseph Cichocki, of the Queen Anne’s County Department of Emergency Services, is reaching out to all county clubs, organizations, businesses and groups of any size to offer free emergency preparedness seminars.
“My primary goal as Emergency Management Associate is community outreach and educating the public on a wide variety of topics pertaining to emergency preparedness. In an effort to accomplish this goal, I have been creating Seasonal Preparedness Presentations. These presentations go over what to do before, during and after seasonal emergencies, i.e. thunderstorms, winter weather, earthquakes, and many others.,” said Cichocki. “The presentations are typically between 10-12 slides and take about 25-30 minutes. If this is something that may benefit your organization, and you would like to participate, please reach out to me either by emailing or by calling (410) 758-4500 ext.1119.