Farm Management Classes for Women at Nine Sites in Maryland and Delaware

The University of Maryland and Delaware Cooperative Extension will conduct Annie’s Project during the winter of 2010 at nine sites.  Annie’s Project focuses on the many aspects of farm management and is designed to empower women in overall farm decision making and to build local networks throughout the state. The target audience is farmwomen with a passion for business, agriculture and involvement in the farm operation.  Topics for the sessions cover the five areas of Risk Management – Production, Marketing, Financial, Legal Risk, Human Resources. This course is open to anyone interested in farm management practices.

The course will be 8 sessions starting on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 6-9pm (Washington County dates differ) with classroom and computer lab work. Sites range from Western Maryland, Central Maryland, Southern Maryland and Delmarva.  The cost of the entire course including meals and materials is $50.  Please register by January 8th – space is limited.  For more information visit the website or call 410-758-0166.  If you require special assistance to attend the classes please contact the site at least two weeks prior.