Girl Scout Troops donate to UM Shore Regional Health

Local Talbot County Girl Scouts, belonging to Service Unit 4, participate every year in the Talbot County Festival of Trees, under the guidance of troop leader Victoria Millholland. Scouts choose a theme and make ornaments for a tree display. This year, through the generosity of a donor, the Girl Scouts designed a gingerbread-themed tree, which was then purchased and donated for display in the Pediatrics unit at UM Shore Medical Center at Easton. The Scouts also donated several gifts for pediatric patients in the hospital.


Other local Girl Scout Troops also gave to patients at UM Shore Regional Health during the holidays. Girl Scouts from Troops 961 and 323, under the direction of Easton team members Theresa Plog, PharmD, and nurse Teresa Coleman, assisted nurses on the Telemetry unit at the Easton hospital with a service project. The Scouts cut, hand-tied and wrapped nearly 60 blankets for patients to receive during their hospital stay over the holidays. Material and wrapping for these warm and fuzzy gifts were donated by UM SRH nurses, through proceeds generated by the Telemetry unit’s annual pie sale.