God’s Grace is Sufficient From the Projects to the Pulpit

In this book, Author, Father, and Minister Derrick Miliner discuses his life.  Miliner presents how he grew up in the south and how he learned to use drugs and alcohol at an early age.  The projects were a place he started hanging out at the age of thirteen.  From the Projects to the Pulpit describes the life of decisions that led Derrick to:

* The projects

* Drugs and alcohol

* The Christ his mother introduced him to early

* The calling to ministry

* The pulpit

Each chapter describes his life in detail and how God moved him to depend on strength, hope, and love.  Derrick gives details of how he overcame the several addictions that a lot of young black males are faced with. Drugs, alcohol, and womanizing, are some of the most abused issues for young black males growing up in the south.

www.authorhouse.com             dkmgsa@aol.com               240-462-8918

Derrick will be sharing and signing copies of his book at the:
Queen Anne’s County Arts Council, 206 South Commerce St., Centreville, MD
Saturday June 18, 2011    9:30 AM to 11:00AM
Sponsored By The Willing Women With A Purpose
Pastor Terry A. Gaddy   Bethel AME Church, Centreville, MD