Group of the Month- KIFA

Local groups provide our community with the opportunity to make connections, to enjoy art, to help others, to have fun, and so much more. Throughout 2023, we are featuring area groups that better our community in our monthly feature called “Come Together.” For the month of March, we are highlighting the Kent Island Federation of Arts (KIFA), proudly celebrating 60 years of bringing the community together through art.

KIFA’s main mission is to provide an opportunity for people of all ages to better appreciate the visual arts and to develop their own creative and artistic skills. To this end, KIFA hosts exhibits, holds classes, sponsors member events and fundraisers, and schedules summer art camps for children.  

KIFA got its start in the early 60’s when a number of artist residents realized there was no place to exhibit art on Kent Island and formed a group to show their art work. They organized their first exhibit in 1962, and after a series of successful shows, they became an official organization in 1972, forming the Kent Island Association. 

The association was officially incorporated in 1979 as Kent Island Federation of Arts, Inc. (KIFA). With almost 100 members, they opened their first art gallery in an old house in Stevensville, and soon found they needed more space for the increasing number of exhibits. KIFA relocated to a larger building in 1983, a Victorian style building in downtown Stevensville, where they reside to this day. The beautiful pink building was built in 1900 as a home for Doctor William L Henry and his family. KIFA now has over 200 artists as members to help celebrate 60 years of art and community.

KIFA is currently exhibiting art created by Queen Anne’s County students from elementary school through high school grades. More than 100 pieces are on display through April 2nd. Coming in May 11 through June 4, KIFA proudly presents the Student Art Show-Emerging Artists. These are students who attended art classes and created artistic pieces with KIFA instructors in 2022 and 2023.  

For those interested in developing their artistic talents, KIFA offers classes each month in different types of media. They currently are finishing a class that teaches students how to make original art collages from everyday items such as newspapers, old cards, and tissue paper. On Tuesdays beginning on March 14 through April 25 (skipping April 11), Maureen Bannon is teaching six individual classes on oils and acrylics. And starting up on Mondays, KIFA is offering beginning and intermediate piano lessons. 

There are a number of ways the community can support KIFA in its efforts to bring art to residents. You can become a one-time donor, sustaining donor, enjoy a KIFA annual membership, or become a sponsor. KIFA also is looking for volunteers to work in the office or gallery or to help with fundraisers, events and receptions. If you are interested in learning more about the different ways you can support KIFA or opportunities to volunteer, visit the KIFA web site or contact KIFA at

KIFA is located at 405 Main Street in Stevensville with office and gallery hours Thursdays through Sundays from 1pm to 4pm. Visit to learn more about KIFA and what they have to offer to the community in the way of art classes and exciting exhibits, how to subscribe to KIFA’s weekly newsletter, and other ways you can help to support the arts. You also can contact KIFA at or call 410-543-7424. 

KIFA 2023 Gallery Shows 

Questions to 

March 4 – April 2: Student Showcase of QAC SchoolsShow opens Sat March 4. Reception 12–4pm. Closes April 2. Deliver art back to schools April 3. 

April 6 – May 4: Working Artists Forum exhibition. Drop off April 3. Show opens April 6. Pick up May 8. Reception Thurs April 13, 5-7pm 

May 11 – June 4: Adult Student Art Show, KIFA students 2022 and 2023 of Maureen Bannon, Ann Bishop, Vicki Cearfoss, and Stacey SassDrop off May 8. Pick Up June 5. Show opens May 11. Reception June 1 (5-7p). 

May 31- June 3: Paint StevensvilleWednesday through Saturday. Reception TBD. 

June 8– July 24: 61st Members Show – STREET SCENES. With Garden Club floral interpretationsDrop off June 5. Show opens June 8. Reception June 8 (5-7). Pick up July 24. 

July 27 – August 28: Annual Photography ShowDrop off July 24. Show opens July 27. Reception July 27 (5-7pm). Pick up August 28. 

August 31 – October 30: Absolutely AbstractDrop off Aug 24. Show opens Aug 31. Reception Aug 31 (5-7pm). Pick up October 30.