Have a Heart for the Needy this Valentine’s Day

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Fashion Follies from the Heart volunteers are busy planning an event that benefits the needy people in Talbot County.  Featuring a fashion show of both men’s and women’s clothing donated from the Thrift Center and a luncheon prepared with food available from the Food Panty “is an event you won’t want to miss,” said Sandy Bemis, Follies Chairman.

“Beautiful clothing is being donated to the Thrift Center, and some of these items still have the original price tags on them,” Bemis said.  At the Thrift Center, “all this clothing is being sold for a nominal fee.”  For the Fashion Follies the clothes being modeled will be sold as part of the event’s fundraising for needy people.

Maureen Jacobs, co-chair, said she had “a delightful time during Thanksgiving and Christmas last year serving tasty recipes using the kinds of products we give away at our Food Pantry.  Everyone was asking for my secrets.”  Some of those “tasty recipes” will be used to prepare the luncheon.  The recipes will be shared with people attending the Follies and will also be added to the bags of groceries being distributed at the Food Pantry.

In addition, door prizes will be given and local fashion experts will be giving tips.  “It’s going to be a lot of fun,” said Bemis.  We think everyone will be surprised to see what good things come from the Thrift Center and the Food Pantry.  We also know it will warm your heart to be a part of helping the needy in our community.”

Society President, Alex Handy wants to be sure that everyone in Talbot County is aware that these food and clothing items are available to all needy families in the county.  “I salute all the caring people who donate these items, said  Handy.   Generous cash gifts also make it possible to keep the food pantry stocked.”

“Last year an average of 500 bags of groceries a month were given to needy families,” said Handy, “and we expect that number to increase in 2010 as community awareness grows, and until we see a strengthening in the economy.”

So, mark your calendars for Saturday, February 6 at 11:30a.m.  at the Knights of Columbus Hall at South and Park Streets in Easton.  Tickets are just $10.  For tickets or to make a donation from the heart, call 410-822-0893.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a national faith-based charity within the parish of Sts. Peter and Paul of Talbot County.  They are one of the county’s major providers of food for the hungry.  They also collect and distribute clothing, furniture and housewares via their facility at 8648 Commerce Drive, Unit 300 in Easton.