Haven Ministries is addressing the urgent need for affordable housing in Queen Anne’s County this spring with the opening of two new single-family homes located in Stevensville. What has been 20 years in the making, the “Homes of Hope” will provide real hope to those participating in Haven Ministries Housing Assistance Program.
Built in the middle of the pandemic, these two 1700-square-foot single-family homes were completed because of generous donations from local businesses of materials and services totaling over $150,000.
“Even though we were living in uncertain times, people in our community stepped up to donate so that someone less fortunate could have shelter – one of our basic human needs. People like Jim Moran, owner of Increte of Maryland, Inc. and Brad Lundberg, President of Lundberg Builders and 314 Design Studio, helped to coordinate the supplier donations on the project. We wouldn’t be where we are today without the giving these two men solicited,” comments Krista Pettit, Executive Director of Haven Ministries.
Jim Moran, also a project donor and a Queen Anne’s County Commissioner At-Large, states, “This project has been a long time coming. I got involved eight years ago and have been donating ever since. These homes have been funded through donations, a $150,000 grant from Queen Anne’s County, as well as state funding. Haven Ministries does a tremendous job and has built this organization from nothing into a model program.”
Moran was raised in Bowie, Maryland and his parents instilled in him charity as a child. His military experience overseas also exposed him to those less fortunate and has been a motivator for his philanthropy as well.
“I learned early through my faith about charity. The quote, ‘The measure of a community is how they care for the least of the community,’ has always resonated with me. I have been blessed to have a successful company and a loving family. We can always do more.”
Through the Homes of Hope, Haven Ministries will be able to provide clients with affordable housing while leading them to a permanent housing solution. While participating in the Housing Assistance Program, participants will work closely with a Haven Ministries case manager to ensure that they are positioned for success to secure safe and stable long-term housing once their respective program period is over, usually within two years.
Individuals and families who live in Queen Anne’s County can apply for the program, must pass the background checks, pay a program fee, and voluntarily agree to work with a case manager. Haven Ministries will connect participants to area resources such as education, jobs, and job training, allowing individuals and families to stabilize, build up their resources, and successfully move on toward safe and affordable housing.
Housing instability can include trouble paying rent or a mortgage, moving frequently due to the lack of affordable housing, or spending a majority of household income on housing. The construction for Homes of Hope and the Housing Assistance Program are being funded by private donations and grants, including those from foundations made directly to Haven Ministries, and through major fundraising activities. A program fee will also be collected from the Housing Assistance Program clients approved for the program.
Haven Ministries will continue to operate its seasonal shelter at Kent Island Methodist Church in Stevensville to offer emergency overnight safe and warm accommodations for individuals and families that do not have a dedicated location in which to sleep. Although both of these programs are important programs, they each serve a different population of community members with different needs.
Moran concludes, “I used my contacts in the industry to help fund this project. No one said ‘no’ when they were asked to contribute. Each of the following sponsors sees the value of helping others.”
“This project has been a community project from the start. Several things have been donated from the initial demolition to Delmarva Power donating their labor for electricity hook-up to the local plumbers and electricians donating their labor and materials – the generosity has been overwhelming,” adds Lundberg.
Sponsors for Haven Ministries Homes of Hope were 314 Design Studio, ABC Supply Co Inc., A Plus Sanitation, Absolute Fire Protection, Inc., Annapolis Exteriors, . Bill Thomas, C2 Foam, Capital Electric, Chesapeake Environmental Labs, Inc., Choice Stairways, Matt Cole with Cole Ventures, Delmarva Power, Dress Your Windows, Economy Pest Control, Inc., ED Supply, Ernest Maier Companies, Ferguson, F.A. Hobson Landscaping, Inc., Friel Lumber, Increte of Maryland, Inc., Island Floors, Jack Wilson, Jr. Electrical Services, JTW Building Services LLC, KI True Value, Lane Engineering, Lifetime Well Drilling, Lindy J Jones Plumbing and Heating Contractors, Lowes, Lundberg Builders, O’Berry Engineering, Inc., Palmer’s Plumbing, Patuxent Materials, Patuxent Roll-Off, R.B. Bakers, R and D Electric, Puckett’s Heating and Air Conditioning, Rental Works, Torchio Architects, Universal Supply Co., W Scot Jones Mechanical Contractor, and White’s Custom Concepts.
Special thanks goes to the following organizations who contributed funding: Queen Anne’s County Commissioners, Weinberg Foundation, Salmon Foundation, Bank of America Foundation, May Foundation, Trust Foundation of Maryland, Legislative Bond Grant, Keller Giving, Queen Anne’s County Mental Health Grant, Mid-Shore Community Foundation, and many individual donors.
For further information about donating to this important project, visit haven-ministries.org. For information about applications for the Homes of Hope, call 410-739-7859.