Hospice Volunteer Training Dates Announced

Hospice-of-Queen-Anne's-LogoHospice Volunteer Training Dates Announced

Hospice of Queen Anne’s is holding a 16-hour, Patient Care Volunteer Training program in March to meet the increasing number of requests for volunteer support from patients and families. The training session will be held at the Hospice Center in Centreville on March 10, 13 and 17 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day.

“We are finding we need more trained Patient Care Volunteers due to our expanding patient census,” said Courtney Williams, manager of volunteer and professional services for Hospice of Queen Anne’s.

Individuals who are interested in providing care and support to hospice patients in the Hospice Center, private homes or assisted living facilities need to complete this 3-session training program. Registration forms must be received by March 5 to be eligible for the training.

For those who want to help in the Grief Services and Support program, volunteers must first complete the 16-hour Patient Care Volunteer Training program before taking the 4-hour Grief Services Support Volunteer or Vigil Volunteer Training.

“Volunteer opportunities with Hospice of Queen Anne’s abound, many of which do not require the completion of Patient Care Volunteer Training,” said Williams.

Whether you choose to serve on an event committee, make a presentation, organize mailings for bereaved families, or prepare patient meals in the Hospice Center, you are making a difference in someone’s life, including your own.

To register for Patient Care Volunteer Training, or explore other volunteer opportunities with Hospice of Queen Anne’s, go to www.hospiceofqueenannes.org. You may download a volunteer application or contact Courtney Williams at 443-262-4112, email cwilliams@hospiceofqueenannes.org .