Household Hazardous Waste & Mercury Thermometer Collection & Electronics Recycling Events

Saturday, April 30, 2011 (only) – Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) & Mercury Thermometer Collection – & Electronics Recycling Events (eCycle), near Chestertown at the Nicholson Drop-Off Center, 8 to 2, Rain or Shine, free, Caroline, Kent, QA & Talbot residents. Directions: Rt 213 to Rt 291 to Rt 20 W from Chestertown toward Rock Hall, Right on Earl Nicholson Rd, Left at gate. For details: see flyers at disposal facilities, libraries; request a mailing; check or ads in local papers; 410-758-6605. Next collection event planned for Fall 2011 in Caroline County.

HHW: ACCEPTED: Gas, Gas/Oil Mixes, Pool Chemicals, Cleaners, Solvents, Oil-Based Paints, Paint thinners, Lawn & Garden Pesticides, other RESIDENTIAL HHW Waste Only. UNACCEPTABLE: Industrial, Business, Commercial Agricultural Materials, Ammunition, Radioactive, Explosives, and Medical Waste, Other

eCycle: Recycle Computers & peripherals, TV’s, VCR’s, cell phones, fax machines, copiers. New computer drop-off sites are now in each county.