HQA Volunteers Complete Training
Ten residents from Queen Anne’s and Caroline counties recently completed the Hospice of Queen Anne’s patient care volunteer training program, which qualifies them to provide emotional support and practical assistance to hospice patients, families and caregivers.
The comprehensive training program taught by HQA staff, teaches volunteers how to companion a patient at the end of life and prepares them with the knowledge and skills to enhance comfort and quality of life. Trainees explore their own feelings about death and dying as they learn how to be with a patient at one of the most vulnerable times in life.
Those who wish to provide direct patient care will be required to complete several additional hours with patients in the Hospice Center under the supervision of a clinical team member. For those who wish to be involved in grief support, their training will continue under HQA’s Grief Services and Support Program staff leading to new responsibilities as bereavement volunteers, vigil volunteers or grief support facilitators.
Plans are being made to offer hospice volunteer training sessions in Kent and Caroline Counties.
To learn more about volunteer opportunities with Hospice of Queen Anne’s, visit www.hospiceofqueenannes.org/volunteers or call 443-262-4112 for additional information.
Photo: (Left to Right) Front row: Susan Riehl, Peggy Schaefer, Teresa Swanke and Christina deLeon. Back row: Bente Cooney, Patricia Fitchett, Candy Edwards-Roach, Tim Dignen, Steve Griffin and Loring Mills.