Joyce Malik Appointed Compliance Officer of Talbot Bank

JoyceMalik_DSC00477 (400 x 300)The Talbot Bank Board of Directors has appointed Joyce Malik as Compliance Officer of The Talbot Bank, member of Shore Bancshares’ family of companies. Ms. Malik started with Talbot Bank in the compliance department in July of 2012. Prior to joining Talbot Bank, Ms. Malik worked in the operations department at the regional office for Union Trust. She served as the Assistant Manager at the North American Phillips Federal Credit Union and held the position of Compliance & Bank Secrecy Act Officer at the Bank of the Eastern Shore.

“Joyce’s attention to detail and extensive knowledge and experience in banking operations and compliance made her the ideal candidate for our Compliance Officer position,” explains Pat Bilbrough, President and CEO of The Talbot Bank. “We are excited to have her as part of our team.”

Ms. Malik resides in Cambridge and has been actively involved in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life of Dorchester County for over 14 years. She also serves her community by supporting Junior Achievement. In her spare time, Ms. Malik enjoys reading, sewing, walking, and relaxing on the beach.