Kent Narrows Sail and Power Squadron recently celebrated its 17th annual Change of Watch at Café Sadó on Kent Island. The following officers were installed by Ralph Bernard from Absecon Island, NJ, Commander of USPS District 5: Commander, Martin Lafferty of Chester; Executive Officer, Jim Del Vecchio of Chester; Educational Officer, Richard Radlinski of Queenstown; Treasurer Al Watson of Worton and Secretary Thomas German of Chester. Incoming Administrative Officer Peter Minott of Grasonville will be given his oath of office at the March membership meeting at Kent Island Yacht Club.
In his remarks the retiring Commander, Ken Treadwell thanked those who served on his Bridge and as Committee Chairmen for the past year; welcomed Past Commodore Fred Chew and his wife Tricia who represented Kent Island Yacht Club, Commander Bob Frenz and his wife Dorothy of Miles River Sail and Power Squadron, Past Commander Frank May and his wife Mary Jo, also from the Miles River squadron, Commander Ken Hesterberg of Cambridge Sail and Power Squadron; recognized nine Past Commanders of KNSPS and the mother of the incoming Commander, Miriam Stevens from Greenwich, CT.
KNSPS is a local branch of the United States Power Squadrons, an organization that promotes boating safety through education. As part of its commitment to public service, the local squadron teaches public boating classes at least twice a year, as well as short informative seminars. We have scheduled a 2 hour charting seminar for March 24 and a 2 hour weather seminar for April 28 to be held at the Oyster Cove Clubhouse. We also will be offering two 3 session basic boating courses in May. For information about the seminars or the ABC basic boating course contact Richard (Dick) Radlinski 410 827-3376. More advanced courses are offered to our members. In addition, KNSPS offers free vessel safety checks of recreational boats as part of our public service program.
If you would like to schedule a vessel safety check or would like information about how to become a member; visit the squadron’s booth at the Bay Bridge Boat Show this coming April; or the KNSPS website at, select Kent Narrows from the bar on the right side of the page. To speak directly to a squadron representative contact our Commander Marty Lafferty 410 643-3585, VSC Chairman Jack Hoffman at 410 643-6472 or Membership Chairman Jack Yeigh at 410 632-2106.