Knights of Columbus installs new Officers

KofC-2 Knights-of-Columbus-Aug-31-2014Knights of Columbus installs new Officers 

Council #7941 of the Knights of Columbus installed new Officers on the evening of August 31st 2014. From right to left, the Officers are David Jones as Warden,, Larry Houck as Grand Knight, Barry Donadio as Chancellor, Mike Miccello as Guard and John Boyle as Deputy Grand Knight.

The new Officers will serve their terms for one year. The Knights of Columbus is a social and intellectual fellowship known for supporting educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works of the community. They work with the Parish Family Life Committee to offer family and child based activities, raise funds for parish needs and serve the greater Kent Island community.

The Knights of Columbus are looking for new members of all ages and backgrounds. They meet the second and fourth Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. in the parish center at St. Christopher’s Catholic Church.

For more information about the Knights of Columbus Council #7941, please go to their newly active Facebook page.