Lend A Hand: Our Children and Youth Need You

Volunteers are needed as character coaches and mentors in our public school system. Character coaches present a 15-minute weekly values lesson which includes a monthly anti-bullying lesson. Mentors work on building a trusting relationship with students in grades 5-10 up to an hour a week in school and out in the community. The mentoring relationship is based on the key concepts of the Developmental Assets Framework and aligned with Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake and National MENTOR.

Training, resources and ongoing support are available both at the school and through the CC! coordinator.

Volunteers are needed as character coaches in our elementary schools, 6th grade in our middle schools and 9th grade at Kent Island High School. Mentors are needed for 5th grade through 10th grade. We have a waiting list with 2 students at a middle school and several at elementary schools in the county.

Want to increase your energy, feel positive, maintain good health as well as make a difference in your world? Consider volunteering with the Character Counts! organization in Queen Anne’s County. And make a child smile which is good for their health.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the coordinator, Jacki Carter, at 410-758-6677 or jcarter@qac.org. Are you ready for the surprising benefits of volunteering? We’re waiting to hear from you. And so are our children and youth.