Long & Kent Island office is proud to announce the launch of its annual toy drive to benefit the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves’ Toys for Tots Campaign.
Toys may be dropped off seven days a week between 9am and 5 pm at Long & Foster’s Kent Island
office located at 202 Thompson Creek Mall prior to December 18, 2009.
Long & Foster’s Kent Island office sales manager, Elinor Warring, said. “We are proud to participate in The Long & Foster® Companies I annual toy drive throughout its seven-state Mid-Atlantic region and the District of Columbia in support of the U.S. Marines Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program. We hope
you will be generous with your donation to help less fortunate children throughout our community.” additional infonnation, contact the Kent Island office’s Toys for Tots Co-Chairs, Cynthia Harden (410-643-2244 x 1255) and Charlotte (410-643-2244 x 1220).
Wes Foster, Chairman of The Long & Foster Companies said, “We take great pride in being able to once
again assist this worthy cause and to help give the needy children in our communities the Christmas they
deserve. For nearly two decades, Long & Foster and its affiliated businesses have remained committed to
helping provide a better holiday season to children in need in the communities we serve.”
Between now and December 18, each of the company’s more than 200 sales offices throughout seven states will accept donations of new unwrapped toys for distribution to financially and/or physically disadvantaged
children, Long & Foster employees at the company’s corporate headquarters in Chantilly, Va. will also participate in the annual holiday event.
Once the toys are collected and presented to area Marines, they are distributed to local churches, social
welfare agencies and to less fortunate children throughout Long & Foster’s service area.
The U.S. Marine Corps Reserves Toys for Tots program began with a single campaign in 1947. Last
year. 18 million toys were distributed to underprivileged children nationwide by The (US. Marine Corps Reserves program. Long & Foster collected more than 25,000 toys which were distributed to charitable and service organizations in the communities Long & Foster serves.
About The Long Foster ® Companies
The Long & Foster ® Companies is the parent company of the largest, privately owned residential real estate company in the US., Long & Foster® Real Estate, Inc., and the Mid-A tlantic region leading provider of homeown ens hip Services. In addition to its real estate arm, The Long & Foster® Companies consist of Prosperity Mortgage® Company; Walker Jachon® Mortgage Corporation; Long & Foster® Insurance Agency, Inc., and Long & Foster® Settlement Seiwices. The total 2008 sales volume and sales equivalents for all The Long & Foster Companies was $48.9 billion.