March 19th Public Meeting for Overpass at Routes 301/304

Yellow_road_markingMarch 19th Public Meeting for Overpass at Routes 301/304

The State Highway Administration is holding a Public Information Meeting from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. March 19, at Queen Anne’s County High School.

The purpose of the meeting is to update citizens on the progress made so far and to gather feedback. Visual displays may be viewed from 6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., followed by a half hour presentation by SHA then a comment and question period.

SHA is approaching the final design stages and expects construction to begin this Fall.

The proposed improvements include constructing an interchange bridge over US 301 at MD 304 (Ruthsburg Road). SHA will be constructing new roundabouts at both ends of the bridge over MD 304 to accommodate trucks, farm equipment and school buses.

The existing Park and Ride will be expanded and new 8-foot wide shoulders along Route 304 will accommodate bicycles and pedestrians. Additionally, improvements will be made at Rolling Bridge Road to provide right-in/ right-out only turning. New J-turns will put in at the intersection of Routes 301 and 305 (Hope Road).