By: Rachel Melvin, Horticulture Educator & Master Gardener Coordinator-University of Maryland Extension Queen Anne’s County
Each one of us defines the arrival of spring in a different manner. For many it could be the showy appearance of daffodils, crocus, tulips or the bright yellow blooms of forsythia. As the years pass, I have begun to notice subtle hints of spring in many ways. At first it was by the awaking of skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus). To me, there is nothing better than those bright green leaves pushing their way up along the creek banks. Slowly opening, as if it were a present just for me to see, blessing me with its presence. As if to say, spring is here! Next come the mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum), sprouting up to line the forest bottom with hints of green and white. All winter long these are the things that lighten my days, knowing that soon spring will be here and spring peepers will sing their song. After spring’s blooms, it is only a matter of weeks when our spring days that we all have longed for turn into the busy days of summer baseball games and picnics.
The Queen Anne’s County Master Gardener Volunteers took time to enjoy springs bounty by visiting Longwood Gardens on Thursday, April 14th, 2011. Longwood Gardens is only a short drive from Maryland’s Eastern Shore, around 2 hours and is located in Kennett Square, PA. Present day Longwood Gardens was formed by Mr. Pierre du Pont in 1914 and has been the center of horticulture excellence since. Master Gardener Volunteers meandered through the 20 indoor and 20 outdoor gardens, observing majestic trees, spring blooms of azaleas, daffodils and tulips, and many fountain gardens.
For more information on the Master Gardener program in Queen Anne’s County contact, Rachel Melvin Horticulture Educator & Master Gardener Coordinator-University of Maryland Extension Queen Anne’s County, at or (410) 758-0166 or visit
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