Masterpieces and Memoirs a Series of Youth Art Classes in April

The Queen Anne’s County Arts Council and Centre for the Arts announces Masterpieces and Memoirs, a series of youth art classes in April. Artist and educator, Dawn Malosh will guide students ages 7 to 14 in creating a variety of projects including nature prints, clay sculptures and fiber art in “Eco-Art Kids” on Tuesday April 5, 12 and 19 from 3:45 to 5:00 p.m. at Millstream Park in Centreville. The cost of this three week course is $57 or $50 for Arts Council members with a registration deadline of March 29. On Tuesday, April 26 from 12 to 3 p.m. at Millstream Park, Malosh will guide students ages 7 to 14 in an exercise of plein air painting. The cost of this class is $42 or $35 for Arts Council Members with a registration deadline of April 19. Malosh offers a variety of classes at her studio, Aesthetic Alternatives, in Sherwood, Maryland and is available for special interest art parties including Boy and Girl Scout badge projects.

“My Life, My Story: a Memoir Writing Class” is for students ages 14 to 18 and will be held at the Centre for the Arts on Thursday, April 14, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Experienced educator, Joan Katz, will work with students in a series of writing exercises designed to chronicle life experiences, influences and then create a vision for the future. Katz holds degrees in psychology and guidance counseling and is a committed member of the Academy of Lifelong Learning. The cost of this class is $37 or $30 for Arts Council Members with an $8 materials fee due to the instructor. The deadline for registration is April 7. Bring a bag lunch.

Arts Council classes are designed to renew existing interests, and to develop new skills. Registration materials are available at 206 South Commerce St. in Centreville, Maryland, Tuesday – Friday from 9 am to 5 pm, by calling 410-758-2520, online or via email at The Centre receives support through a grant from the Maryland State Arts Council.

The Queen Anne’s County Arts Council is a non-profit organization committed to promoting, expanding, and sustaining the arts.