McKinsey’s Birthday Wish

McKinsey (266 x 400)McKinsey’s 9th Birthday Wish….”I wish for children who are sick to feel good, not to be afraid and to help them to spend more time with their families.”

McKinsey Brown a 3rd grader at Kennard Elementary, came to her mother Jennifer a month prior to her birthday in hopes that this year her birthday wish would come true. While planning the details of her yearly birthday party, McKinsey told her mother Jennifer that she didn’t want presents but instead wanted everyone to give her money for her birthday. Jennifer gave the motherly response that it would be impolite to ask people for money and that she couldn’t do that. Shortly after, McKinsey frustrated with her mother’s response but determined for her wish to be understood, returned with a handwritten letter which she handed to her mother and said “But it’s not for me, its for the children at Queen Anne’s Hospice.”

The note stated that she wanted all her birthday monies this year to go to the children of Queen Anne’s Kids at the Hospice of Queen Anne’s and wanted to invite all other children to do the same this year. When asked why?, McKinsey responded, “I want to teach other children to help people and that we don’t have to have presents.” McKinsey has for many years watched and helped her mother and grandmother raise monies during multiple charity events for October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month in support of Anne Arundel Medical Center, Bosom Buddies, and the Hospice of Queen Anne’s. She felt that this year it was time to do her part.

When asked why Hospice of Queen Anne’s and this particular charity?, she said “Because it is local and around Centreville and they help all people.” Queen Anne’s Kids is a NEW family-centered program providing compassionate care to their youngest patients — infants through adolescents — who have a life-limiting illness.They offer specialized pediatric palliative care and support programs and counseling for children and families grieving a loss. With their support, children are able to die at home or in their Center’s home-like setting, surrounded by family and friends who love them and the familiar things they treasure most. Learn more about Queen Anne’s Kids by going online to

McKinsey, hopes to raise $500 for the charity by her birthday on October 31st. She has already estimated that after reviewing her invite list she will most likely get close to $300 if all 15 of her invitees participate, however she still needs help reaching her goal! If you would like to help McKinsey’s Birthday Wish come true please mail any birthday gifts to the Hospice of Queen Anne’s c/o McKinsey’s Birthday Wish at 255 Comet Drive in Centreville, 21617.

Mckinsey already has plans for future projects to help the children in other ways, after having taken a sewing class and having recently teamed up with a seamstress she found at the Artisan’s Festival. In the near future McKinsey will be making dolls for the children of Queen Anne’s Kids as well. When asked about them she proudly boasts, “boy dolls will have a blue heart and girl dolls a pink heart!”

We wish Mckinsey a Happy 9th Birthday! and much luck and success with all of her Big Hearted Projects!!