Mentoring Program Results in Exhibit

Obi foreground two students Jon (400 x 266)The Queen Anne’s County Arts Council will host an art reception for the participants of their initiative, STArt! (Students, Teachers, Artists). Four artists, four schools, forty students and their art instructors took part in the one-on-one art mentoring program in April. Artists Ric Conn, John Pringle, Jonathan Shaw and Rick Strittmater each taught at one of each of the county’s middle schools: Centreville, Matapeake, Stevensville and Sudlersville giving students a four hour art lesson in various media.

The artwork created represents several mediums including gouache, watercolor, acrylic and graphite. The program pairs professional artists with students for one-on-one instruction to provide a unique and lasting learning experience. This is the second year the initiative has been in place, receiving positive feedback from the students, parents, teachers and gallery visitors.

Program Chair Sharon Lipsius will host the reception on Friday, May 17 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Art Council’s Centre for the Arts. The public is invited to attend the reception or view the exhibit during business hours from May 18 through June 1.

The program is supported by The Digital Architects, Queenstown Bank, Choptank Electric Trust, Priceless Industries, The Peoples Bank, Maryland State Arts Council and private donors.

The Centre for the Arts is located at 206 S. Commerce St. in Centreville, MD. For additional information call 410.758.2520 or email on the web