Sandy Sapienza, a mixed media artist, instructor and KIFA member, will be teaching an exciting and unique class on Saturday, November 8, from 9 am to 12 noon, entitled “Monoprinting with Gelli Arts® Plates.”   For those of you who would like to hand print your own note cards, art papers for collage or scrapbooking, or a single original monoprint, this three-hour creative session is for you!  Students will learn how to use commercial gelatin plates (you will receive instructions for making a gelatin plate at home) and join other beginning or experienced artists in this fun and exciting process.   The three basic techniques of monoprinting will be taught including developing textures, creating imagery from natural materials and using masks.

Although relatively a recent method of applying inks or acrylic to a gelatin plate, the process has been gaining in popularity over the past few years.  Sandy, whose work includes printing fabrics, artist books and assembling collage pieces and, who is represented by several local galleries in addition to being featured at the Fresno (CA) Museum of Art, comments, “I started experimenting with gelatin about six years ago and quickly became hooked on the process.  It is fast and spontaneous … And it can be addictive!”

Please join your fellow artists for a fun and creative morning of printing . . . you won’t be disappointed!  Sign up soon, as there is a maximum number of spaces available in the class.

 Cost:  $40 non KIFA members and $35 for members. Includes a materials fee

Items to bring to class:  Apron or old clothes

                                      Pen/pencil for taking notes

              Plastic or latex disposable gloves if you normally use for painting

                                      Your own texting tools, if desired

                                      Five bottles of craft grade paints (your choice of colors)

 Sandy will provide gelatin plates, brayers, paper and a wide selection of texting tools.

Questions?  Call KIFA at 410.643.7424.